Alex Loubere |
Being in the middle of our Fly Fishing community has been an amazing experience. What has made the experience, is being able to meet and fish with many of you. Our fly fishing community is filled with amazing human beings. This month’s community member spotlight is a great example. I met Alex through AZ Fly Shop, and have experienced the gift of fishing with him, using some of his amazing streamers, and getting to know a little about his personal life. Alex is an amazing fly fisher, fly tier, and he spends most of his time as a research biologist with Arizona Game and Fish Department. Alex is married to Kendra(they love to fish together), they also practice and compete in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I see Alex as a compassionate and considerate human being. Alex, thank you for being who you are in the world, and thank you for being and contributing to our fly fishing community.
What does fly fishing mean to you? What about fly fishing offers you most satisfaction?
To me, fly fishing is many things depending on how I care to approach it on any given trip. I’ve used it as an escape to find solitude to reflect. I’ve used it as a way to bond with my wife and share our love of nature together. I’ve used it as a way to test my metal, hiking deep into the wilderness to find obscure waters. I’ve also used it as a social outlet, wetting a line with fellow anglers and friends, trading tactics and stories as we pass the time on the water (hopefully) catching some fish. And of course, I use fly tying as a way to exercise my artistic side, building creations to tempt everything from suckers and carp to pike and musky. The fact that it can be all of these things makes fly fishing such an addicting pursuit. I would say I get the most satisfaction out of building a pattern at the vise and seeing it work how I envisioned on the water and catch the intended species.
What does having AZ Fly Shop in the community mean to you? What do you like about AZ Fly Shop?
I love having a place where I can go hand-pick my materials, I can be very picky about bucktail in particular. Its also really nice to always be greeted as a friend. They really live up to their slogan as the friendliest fly shop.
Tell us your most memorable fly fishing story
Is there any advice or quotes that you feel everyone should hear?
Keep it fun and think outside of just trout. I love fishing for everything that swims and solving the puzzle of a new species is what keeps me coming back.