Where to fish July 2022
Lee’s Ferry
Lee’s Ferry is offering up some fantastic fishing right now. The usual suspect fly patterns will work, of course. Zebra midges in sizes 20-16 in Black, Olive, and Red. Scuds in Size 14-16 in Orange, Olive, Tan, and Pink. San Juan worms and assorted annelid patterns in Tan, Red, and Claret. Assorted streamers including Black and Olive Wooly Buggers size 10-6. The real thrill is if you can get on a good cicada bite
day, big, buggy dry flies are always fun to fish. Cicadas generally appear in late June Trough early July. Good luck!
Water flows are fluctuating between approx. 9,500 and 14,000 CFS with more stable low flows on the weekends and pretty significant spikes in the afternoon on weekdays. Water temps are ranging between 57-61 degrees Fahrenheit.