Steve Cserpnyak
My Father-in-Law was an amazing man. He always reminded me that Service to Humanity was the rent we pay, for the air we breath. Our community member spotlight this month exemplifies this quote with his life. He loves fly fishing and is always willing to share his knowledge and experience to help someone advance their fly fishing game. His heart is filled with kindness, compassion, and service to humanity. Steve Cserpnyak is a dedicated husband and father. He is a gift to the world, and the fly fishing community is blessed to have Steve as our Community Member Spotlight this month. Thank you for being who you are in the community.
-Chris Rich, AZ Fly Shop Founder

What does fly fishing mean to you? What about fly fishing offers you most satisfaction?
I love spending time teaching new people about fly fishing, especially kids. Seeing them enjoy time outdoors and learning about the various aspects of fishing. The comradery we share on the water before and after the day is done. That’s what keeps me and hopefully them coming back.
What does having AZ Fly Shop in the community mean to you? What do you like about AZ Fly Shop?
I’ve always appreciated and respected the inclusivity that AZ Fly Shop provides to everyone who walks through the door. They really are one of the friendliest fly shops I’ve ever been to.
Tell us your most memorable fly fishing story

Is there any advice or quotes that you feel everyone should hear?
Fly fishing is about the 3 F’s…
Is there anything else you would like to add or share with the community?