Karen Gremminger |
AZ Fly Shop is your community fly shop, and we are committed to contributing to the broader community.
This month’s community member spotlight lives her life as a commitment to contribution. She has led the charge for Arizona Casting for Recovery. Bravo and a great big thank you to Karen Gremminger for her efforts and success with Arizona Casting for Recovery. Her life has made a difference in the lives of countless people, and we are lucky to have her as a member of the fly fishing community!
-Chris Rich , AZ Fly Shop Founder
What does fly fishing mean to you? What about fly fishing offers you most satisfaction?
Fly fishing is about connecting to nature. Getting away from the constant stimulation and stress of our modern lifestyles and . . . . stopping to just BE THERE in the moment.
I like to just be present and listen to the water, the ripples, and the birds. Leave the buzzing phone behind. It will be there when you get back.
What does having AZ Fly Shop in the community mean to you? What do you like about AZ Fly Shop?
Since meeting the wonderful folks of AZ Fly Shop, I have been welcomed as a contributor to the greater fly fishing community. I am able to serve as a link for the Casting for Recovery Arizona ladies and volunteers. We have a great time helping with meals for special events or counting the innumerable flies when the end-of-year inventory is due.
I have enjoyed the raffles winning a fishing rod and then purchasing a reel.
Tell us your most memorable fly fishing story
Is there any advice or quotes that you feel everyone should hear?
The Arizona fly fishing community is very warm and friendly. Anything you need or questions you may have, there is someone ready to assist you from the very beginning. Do not be shy, they will not bite.
Is there anything else you would like to add or share with the community?