Community Member Spotlight
Jim Burns
My favorites time of the month is writing an intro about our community member spotlight. Our community is filled with fantastic human beings, and this months community member spotlight is no different. He had been a positive contributor to our community for longer than I can remember. He is always willing to teach those around him, and still looking to learn. His positive, and joyful presence follows him wherever he goes. Jim Burns is a gift to the world, and the Arizona Fly Fishing Community is lucky to have him as our community member spotlight for the month of June.
-Chris Rich, AZ Fly Shop Founder

What does fly fishing mean to you? What about fly fishing offers you most satisfaction?
The allure of fly fishing is it allows you to immerse yourself in your surroundings and live in the moment. When stalking a fish on the flat or standing in a stream time sort of stands still. Also the fish we seek have a tendency to live in the most beautiful places on earth. I have been fortunate to see parts of this planet I would have never seen but for fly fishing.
What does having AZ Fly Shop in the community mean to you? What do you like about AZ Fly Shop?
Tell us your most memorable fly fishing story
Is there any advice you would share with the fly fishing community?