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Community Member Spotlight

Paul Weaver

The Arizona Fly Fishing Community is made up of an amazing group of people. If you’re a part of the community, consider yourself lucky. Our community is made up of people from all walks of life, and from all around the world. One of the common threads among our community is the willingness to contribute to the lives of others in a meaningful way. That contribution happens in many ways; sometimes it comes from sharing our experience with others, sometimes learning from others experiences, sometimes it comes from sharing our joy and happiness with each other, or making a contribution in some other way, to each other.
I love to stop, for a hot minute, and recognize a community member each month. This month I am excited to introduce Paul Weaver as our Community Member Spotlight. He has been a part of our community from the very beginning. He is always willing to teach others what he has learned from decades of experience, and he is willing to learn from others. He brings his joyful attitude wherever he goes, and brightens the space around him.
Paul Weaver is a gift to the world, and we are lucky to have him as a member of our community.
-Chris Rich, AZ Fly Shop Founder

What does fly fishing mean to you? What about fly fishing offers you most satisfaction?

Being outside with nature in some of the most beautiful places in the world. I enjoy the entire process being disciplined in finding the right water where the fish are. Then figuring out not only what fly to use and the best way to present your fly hoping to get the fish to bite I enjoy the solitude and therapeutic effect of just being outdoors with all that it offers.

What does having AZ Fly Shop in the community mean to you? What do you like about AZ Fly Shop?

I’ve been living the Valley for 30 plus years and while there have been several fly shops come and go I always felt there was never what I would consider a quality full service shop. Finally we have one and frankly one of the best I’ve seen in all my travels. Great helpful knowledgeable staff with a wide variety of fishing experience that is passionate about fly fishing. They are very willing to help teach and share their knowledge. The shop has tons of gear and if they don’t have it they will be able to get it for you.They also have a strong commitment to not only to fly fishing but giving back directly to the community through various charities.

Tell us your most memorable fly fishing story

I have many over the years really anytime you can get outdoors and fish can be memorable because you never really what’s going to happen. What creates the best memories for me is fishing with friends and family and being with them and watching them get to experience all the positive, enjoyable things that fly fishing gives you. It’s not just about the catching and landing but about the journey and process to get there. There is one place I have fished with four generations from the same family great grandfather grandfather father and daughter.

Is there any advice you would share with the fly fishing community?

It’s an activity you can share with friends and family especially your kids. Fly fishing is a life long activity there are so many beneficial things that you can experience from exercise movement, travel, being in harmony with nature and the water. You will meet some wonderful people that have the same love for the activity.
Arizona is a wonderful diverse fishery one of best in the world really the State has seven species of trout more than any other state. if you haven’t been to Northern Arizona to explore and enjoy what it has to offer you won’t be disappointed. It’s been my experience that overall the Fly fishing community is full of people from all different backgrounds and walks of life but one of the most sharing passionate groups.

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