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Where to Fish During the Dog Days of Summer

The Arizona summer is upon us. It happens every year, about this time. The runoff in the creeks, has officially run off. The creeks are clear and low, which makes the trout spooky and not as willing to eat. Most of our creeks are still fishable, and they do get tough to fish. Once the summer monsoon stairs get started, the creeks will fill up and the fish will get happy again. The temperature on the lakes are warming up, and the fish are moving deep looking for cooler water. It’s a pretty good idea to have a water thermometer for this time of year. If water is approaching 68 degrees, I leave it alone. Those temps are not healthy for trout. During the dog days of summer, I look for creeks at higher elevations, the water will be cooler and the fish will be more cooperative for the angler. The same holds true for the lakes. I look to spend my time on higher elevation lakes. Even at the higher elevations the trout will go deeper. I fish with heavier sinking lines, and use them to fish 20-30 ft deep. Watch out for daily thunderstorms in the mountains, don’t get caught on the water when the lightening starts.

Stop by the shop and ask us for any specific details!

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